Minerva Learning Trust
1st May 2024

Road Safety

Mr Walton McBain, Deputy Headteacher

This next Headteacher’s blog has been written by Mr Walton McBain, Deputy Headteacher. It is in part a plea to our HSS families to talk to their children about road safety particularly as they arrive at or leave a very busy school site.

At High Storrs, we regularly receive emails from members of the public and the local community about the behaviour of our students. Many of these are very positive, and indicative of the kindness and thoughtfulness of our students (e.g. helping motorists stuck in the snow or handing a lost wallet in to the police).

Unfortunately, we also often receive emails about road safety, and we would really appreciate families taking the time to read this blog together and taking a moment to discuss the issues raised.

Young people have a terrible tendency to feel indestructible! They don’t set out to get hurt, but their actions tend to be thoughtless or impulsive rather than deliberately dangerous.

At the start and end of the school day, when nearly 1,700 students arrive at or leave High Storrs, students will flood across the road eager to catch up with their friends, and maybe not think about cars and other road users as they try to cross.

Mobile phones and headphones make this situation worse. Students will happily wander along checking Snapchat or WhatsApp or with headphones in AND utterly oblivious to what is happening around them.

Obviously, it is not just students who need to be careful when using the roads – parents/carers also need to play their part in keeping our students safe. Crossing the road is made even more dangerous when drivers stop suddenly, or park on double yellow lines or on corners outside school, blocking the view of oncoming traffic and forcing students to squeeze out between parked cars to cross the road. Pedestrians and drivers have to work together to keep everyone safe.

Thank you so much for reading this and taking a moment to discuss it with your family.